Ways of Maximizing your Child’s Learning

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As a parent, you know very well that every child is unique. When it comes to learning, this is also the case. Different children learn at different paces, through different means, and with different methods.

Since there’s no way to control all these learning mechanisms that surround the education of your child, the best alternative is to make sure you equip them with the right tools and the right opportunities to maximize their learning.

Know the things you can do to make sure your child is getting the most of their learning process below:


Health plays a big role in anyone’s capacity to do anything. This is especially true for a child whose primary task is to study. Some children have it difficult enough not to get distracted by other activities but feeling sick is another story entirely.

Nutrition is a key factor in a child’s health. Although they may find traditionally healthy food to be unappealing, it’s important to veer away from junk food. Delish published a list of healthy recipes that the kids should also find delicious.

Make sure you also pay close attention to their breakfast and their lunch boxes. Breakfast gives your child that extra boost when going to school in the morning. As for lunch, many school cafeterias now offer healthy snacks for children, but nothing beats a well-made balanced lunch box. Here’s Taste with another list of healthy lunch box recipes.

Exercise is usually taken care of by the physical activities children do at schools, but there’s also merit in encouraging outdoor play at times. The appeal of video games and kids shows is certainly formidable, that’s why some good-old outdoor games can help.

Rest is as important as nutrition and exercise. Children love to stay up until they fall asleep on the couch. Although this is acceptable sometimes, don’t let them do it every night. A good and regular bedtime routine can help here. A simple ‘no screens’ rule an hour before bed may be difficult to introduce, but it can do wonders in the long run. Lastly, according to Book Trust, reading a bedtime story for your child can not only help increase academic ability, but it also strengthens the relationship you have with them.


students in school

Schools hugely affect the development of children. Choosing the right institution for your child should be more than just a proximity consideration. For the most part, public schools in developed countries offer excellent instruction. However, they may not be able to cater to each child’s unique learning process. Even the best school may not be the right one for your child.

Reading Rockets put together a short checklist for selecting the right school.

That said, there are schools that offer instruction geared towards different directions, catered to children’s unique predispositions. This Psychology Today article explains the different approaches in Montessori teaching. An IB program may also benefit a child with its inherent exposure to different curricula and techniques.


Parent expectations, incentives, and encouragement all play their part in shaping a child’s attitude towards learning. As a parent, it’s important to be patient and consistent when reinforcing the school’s curriculum.

Help your child set goals that are achievable and reward them when they reach these goals. Check with teachers to see how your child is doing at school. Regularly talk to your child about their school experience and encourage them to participate at school, even in extra-curricular activities.

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