Keeping COVID-19 from Ruining Your Summer Plans

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How can we keep Covid-19 from ruining our summer? It has already ruined our spring break, how much more damaging can it be for those who planned to have a nice summer vacation? Since international borders are still closed to travelers, we can’t plan a getaway to Paris, Rome, and other European cities. Festivals, parks, camps, and even garage sales are also forbidden. So, what’s left for you to do?

You cannot let the pandemic ruin your summer plans. If there’s one thing you should’ve learned during this time is not to let anything go to waste. Plan ahead. Maybe you can take summer courses for psychotherapists or you can organize your home or volunteer in charitable organizations. There are many opportunities you can take so you won’t feel burdened by the pandemic. The more you let this pandemic take control over your summer goals, the more that you’re going to be frustrated about how it affects your life.

Remote Learning

There are a lot of summer programs available online. You can take up any one of these courses and improve your skills. For college students, these skills will ready them up for the next school year. For those who are already working, learning new skills will gear them up for changes in the industry.

And that’s another thing that you should try to understand. You can spend your summer learning about how the pandemic will change the industry that you are a part of. There will be a lot of changes in the business community because of the impact of the pandemic. Readying yourself for these changes will put you in a good position of arming yourself to respond positively to the demands of the industry.


Often, people take their freedom for granted. When was the last time you took a look at your travel photos? Maybe this is the perfect time to revisit these places. You can make a scrapbook of your travel photos. This is a wonderful way to travel without leaving your home. You can go back to these experiences and celebrate the time when you were able to hop on a plane without worrying about your health.

Aside from your travel photos, why not make a scrapbook for your friends and family, too? Collect all your photos and make tiny scrapbooks to remind your friends and family how much you care for them. Such nice will be appreciated at this time of so much uncertainty, hate, and ambiguity.


Have you always wanted to learn how to cook but never had the time to do so? There is no more perfect time for that than now. Spend time learning home chores. You never know how this can come in handy in the next years. And who knows? Maybe you’ll fall so in love with cooking that you will eventually start a business. Plenty of people have realized their passion for baking during this time, so what makes you sure you won’t find peace in it?


You can also spend your summer organizing your home. If you are working at home temporarily, this is a great opportunity to redesign and renovate your home. Since you’re going to spend more time in your home now that the outdoors seems to be unsafe, you may want to make sure it’s a sanctuary. Proceed with those long-forgotten plans of turning your bathroom into a Zen-inspired spa. Make your home as relaxing as possible.


Female volunteer on the phone

You can make your time important for others, too. If you can’t find anything to learn online or no new skills interest you, why don’t you volunteer in a soup kitchen or other non-profit organizations? Aside from doing your now home-based job, spending your time trying to help others will be fulfilling.

A lot of people lost their jobs because of the pandemic. They need help finding new employment. Many of them don’t know how to create a resume. You can offer your services to them for free. You can coach them for their interviews. You don’t have to be an expert. There are plenty of resources available on the internet about finding employment during this time. Read up and offer your assistance to those in need.

It is frustrating to think that your life has been upended because of what happened. But dwelling on the why and how of it will only make you miserable. Keep your eyes open. You don’t want to miss any opportunity that will come your way. Whether it is learning a new skill or helping others, you can make better use of this time.

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