Choosing the Right Education for Your Child

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  • Public schools are funded by local and state governments and offer more services than private schools.
  • Private schools have their own sources of funding and may offer smaller class sizes and specialized programs.
  • Homeschooling offers more flexibility in schedules and curriculum design but requires dedication from both the parent and the student. 
  • Online schools allow students to learn from anywhere in the world and on their own schedule.

As a parent, you want to make sure your child gets the best education possible. But with so many schools around it can be difficult to know which one is right for your family.

In the United States, there is a total of 115,576 schools. This includes all public and private K-12 schools as well as adult education and career/technical schools. With the current U.S. population of about 333 million people, this breaks down to one school for every 2,881 people.

No matter what type of school you choose, it’s important to do your research to determine which one is the best fit. You can consider factors such as location, cost, academic reputation, and program offerings when making your decision.

By taking the time to research and carefully consider all options, you can help ensure that you make the right choice when it comes to selecting an appropriate educational environment for your child.

Let’s dive into what you need to consider when choosing a school for your child.

Public Schooling

Public schools are funded by local and state governments. They tend to offer more services and are often more cost-effective than private schools however they are also more compact than private schools.

Within the public school system, there are several kinds that you should know about. Here are some of them.

children happily running across the school ground

Different Types of Public Schools

  • Traditional public schools
  • Magnet schools
  • Charter schools
  • Virtual or online public schools
  • Home and hospital teacher programs
  • Public alternative education settings

Private Schooling

On the other hand, private schools have their own sources of funding. Some parents prefer private schools because they offer smaller class sizes, personalized attention, and specialized programs that may not be available in public schools.

Just like public schools, there are also several classifications of private schools that operate within the United States. You can take a quick look at them to see if any fit your family’s needs and standards.

Classifications of Private Schools

  • Private traditional schools
  • Montessori schools
  • Religious (parochial) schools
  • Boarding schools
  • Homeschool program
  • International Baccalaureate Schools
  • Single-sex private schools
  • Military academies and preparatory schools


Another option is homeschooling, which involves teaching your child in the comfort of your own home. Considering a homeschool program can give parents greater control over their child’s education and allow them to tailor it more closely to their individual needs and interests.

It also offers more flexibility than traditional schooling options when it comes to scheduling and curriculum design. However, homeschooling requires a lot of dedication from both the parent and student—it’s not something that should be taken lightly.

There are several considerations before a parent can actually home-school a child.

Requirements for Homeschooling a Child

  1. The parent should at least have a high school diploma or equivalent.
  2. Be able to provide proof of residence in the state you plan to teach the child at home.
  3. Have knowledge of the subject matters to be able to teach your own children.
  4. Develop an individualized curriculum for each student.
  5. Provide regular assessments of students’ progress.
  6. Abide by all applicable laws and regulations concerning homeschooling in your state.
  7. Maintain detailed records for each student including attendance records, lesson plans, tests/quizzes results, etc.
  8. Make sure that any material used is age-appropriate and up-to-date with current standards.
  9. Create a supportive learning environment at home while allowing independent study time as well.
  10. Enforce discipline when necessary.

Online Schools

Finally, there are online schools—which can either supplement traditional schooling or take its place entirely. Online schools allow students to learn from anywhere in the world and on their own schedule.

They also provide access to a wide range of educational resources like textbooks, eBooks, online lectures and videos that may not always be available in a traditional classroom setting.

On a different note, online schooling does require self-discipline, a steady internet connection, and well-equipped gadgets and can sometimes lack the personal connection found in traditional classrooms.

a mother helping the son during one the child's online classes

When considering signing up for an online school, there are a few key things to consider.

If you do end up choosing online schooling here are some tips for taking online classes.

Things to Consider before Signing Up for Online School

  1. Make sure that the school is accredited by a reputable organization.
  2. Consider the cost of tuition and fees
  3. Think about the courses that are available
  4. Verify if the school has an effective support system in place for students.

10 Tips for Successfully Taking Online Classes

  1. Develop a routine and stick to it.
  2. Set realistic goals and objectives for the child.
  3. Utilize the resources available to you.
  4. Stay organized with a calendar or planner.
  5. Take advantage of technology like video conferencing tools.
  6. Encourage the child to ask questions and engage with their peers.
  7. Let the child reach out to his instructor when needed.
  8. Remind the child to be proactive in completing coursework.
  9. Create a comfortable workspace at home.
  10. Incorporate self-care into your daily schedule.

Selecting an educational option for your child can feel overwhelming, but ultimately, it comes down to what works best for you as a family. That could mean taking advantage of all three options like public or private school, homeschooling, online school or just focusing on one or two depending on your needs and preferences.

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