
children and father

Road Safety: Teaching Your Children About Riding and Walking Safely on the Road

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 1.3 million deaths occur each year due to road collisions. Over 50 percent of these are vulnerable road users such as motorists, cyclists, and motorcyclists. But there is nothing more heart-wrenching than seeing children getting injured or dying on the road. As a parent, you are responsible for fostering

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Bringing Cumulative Advantage into Your Child’s Education

We all value education for its potential to increase socio-economic mobility. Parents desire a bright future for their children, while young adults about to enter the workforce will be most concerned with improving their job prospects. Ultimately, society benefits from having more individuals realize their potential and make high-impact contributions. Yet persistent inequalities stand in

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happy kid

Keep Kids Away from Viruses

Summer is looming around us and this is the perfect time to create good memories with the family at home. When enjoying the summer sun, it is important to prioritize the safety of the family while also keeping the fun going. Whether this is safety from the virus, physical injury, or other diseases, it is

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Five Great Parenting Tips

Raising a child is a wonderful experience filled with joy, laughter, and excitement. But it is also a challenging task, one that requires patience and commitment. As we keep this in mind, let us explore five parenting tips to guide you along the way. Having the Right Information As a parent, the best tool you

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Preparing Your Child for the Future: Things They Need to Learn Before Entering College

The life of a college student can be overwhelming for the unprepared. The increased workload coupled with the freedom to choose what to do with their time can be a dangerous combination that leads students down a dark path if they are not prepared for it. Most new college students get lost in the maelstrom

Preparing Your Child for the Future: Things They Need to Learn Before Entering College Read More

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